Monday, July 26, 2010

Ganesha, ‘lingga yoni’ found at newly discovered site(late coverage)

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Ganesha, ‘lingga yoni’ found at newly discovered site

Unearthed: An excavation team from the Yogyakarta Prehistoric Legacy Conservation Center examines a Ganesha statue and lingga yoni on Wednesday at the newly discovered site within the Indonesian Islamic University in  Yogyakarta. The site was believed to be part of an ancient Hindu temple.  JP/Tarko SudiarnoUnearthed: An excavation team from the Yogyakarta Prehistoric Legacy Conservation Center examines a Ganesha statue and lingga yoni on Wednesday at the newly discovered site within the Indonesian Islamic University in Yogyakarta. The site was believed to be part of an ancient Hindu temple. JP/Tarko Sudiarno
The Yogyakarta Prehistoric Legacy Conservation Center (BP3) has found a Ganesha statue and lingga- yoni structures at the site of a newly discovered structure believed to be part of an ancient temple.
Head of the center’s protection working group Indung Panca Putra said the findings led the excavation team to conclude that the site, located in the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) campus on Jl. Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, was from a Hindu kingdom.
“We uncovered it Tuesday afternoon,” Indung said, adding that the team was forced to stop excavating shortly after due to fading light and decided to continue Wednesday.
The Ganesha was found facing west with an elevation of 17 degrees from the north. In Hindu mythology, Ganesha is the son of Shiva and is described as having a broken right tusk, a rope on his shoulders, a chain of pearls in his right hand and an axe in his left hand.
As of Wednesday the hands of the Ganesha were not unearthed as part of the body was still buried.
The lingga-yoni structures were found 85 centimeters to the east of the Ganesha.
The team expects to find two more statues on the site, because according to Hindu mythology lingga and yoni always accompany statues of Durga Mahisasura Mardini and Agastya.
“Materials from volcanic eruptions could have buried these two statues,” Indung said. The site is located at the base of Mount Merapi.
The excavation team, which began Saturday and will continue until January 4, have also uncovered 16 pieces of parts of a temple wall. “We will study the findings in order to decide how to proceed on this dig,” Indung said.
Compared to previous discoveries of Hindu temples in the region, this site is considered less elaborate. “The Ganesha, for example, is around 85 centimeters high while Prambanan Temple’s Ganesha is as tall as an adult,” Indung said.
The ornaments, he added, were also simpler. The head of the Ganesha found in Prambanan Temple, for example, has three levels with a crown on it. The one found at the site, however, has no crown and its hair is just tied.
These traits, according to Indung, show that the newly found temple served a smaller area. “If Prambanan Temple served an entire kingdom, for example, then this site would have served a village,” he said.
Indung, however, said his colleagues haven’t been able to estimate the age of the temple structure.
“This could be younger or older than Prambanan,” he said.
He added that based on the existing discovery, the site dated back to the ancient Mataram period between the 9th and 10th centuries. “We can ascertain the age of the site if we find the plaque identifying the year and the king who commissioned the temple,” Indung said.
The complex is closed to the public to secure the site. “If this proves to be an important site the owner will be compensated by BP3,” Indung said.
Construction workers accidentally found the temple structure last Friday while laying a foundation to build a library building at the university compound on Jl. Kaliurang in Umbulmartani subdistrict, Ngemplak district, Sleman regency.
UII Rector Edy Suandi Hamid confirmed his university will relocate the site of the library and is working with the BP3 and the Education Ministry.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Congress, NCP and Media ignores Malegaon Cow Slaughter issue

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O Hindus, boycott these News Papers and Media Channels for not publishing / publishing untruthful news about Malegaon Cow Slaughter 

Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 1
Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 1


Congress, NCP and Media ignores Malegaon Cow Slaughter issue

Opposition holds up Assembly session to protest against killing of cows

  • Session proceedings interrupted 7 times
  • BJP and Shiv Sena become aggressive
  • Home Ministry tries to avoid giving a copy of Home Minister’s statement to the representative of ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’
Hindus covering bodies of slaughtered cows
Hindus covering bodies of slaughtered cows

An appalling incident took place yesterday, on the day of Ashadhi Ekadashi, wherein cows were killed and parts of their bodies were thrown on the road in Malegaon. Repercussions of the same were felt in the session of Legislative Assembly (LA) today. Mr. Khadase, the opposition leader and members of Opposition parties were enraged with the curt explanation given by Home Minister R R Patil as also with few MLAs, from the ruling party who were laughing when he was speaking on the topic. (When MLAs from ruling party laugh while serious discussions are going on certain incidents that have taken place involving destruction of things in which Hindus  believe and revere, it is like rubbing salt on wounds of Hindus ! Such rulers will never do justice to Hindus. The only way to eliminate their political career is through ballot box ! – Editor SP) This interrupted the ongoings in the LA session 6 times and on the 7th time, the session was adjourned for the day; the total interruption in the proceedings was of 1 hour and 55 minutes. (The Government led by both the Congress Parties is against the citizens as it showed utter disregard for the points discussed on destruction of revered objects of Hindus, enraged the pro-Hindu people’s elected representatives,  adjourned the session of LA thus wasting billions of rupees of the electorate ! – Editor SP)

Today, as the session started in the morning, Mr. Dada Bhuse, a Shiv Sena MLA from Malegaon presented the above matter in LA. Mr. Dilip Valase-Patil, the Chairman of the Assembly directed the Government to give an explanation in the matter. After the ‘question-answer’ session was over, Mr. Subhash Desai, the group leader of Shiv Sena tried to raise the issue again; but the Chairman, saying that ‘the Government will give a statement’, asked for taking up the next topic.  

Hindus are furious all over the State ! – MLA Mr. Khadse

Mr. Khadse replied, “It is not a trivial matter that 20 cows were killed and their body parts were thrown on the day of ‘Ashadhi Ekadashi’. This is a deliberate attempt to hurt religious sentiments of Hindus. All Hindus are furious. In similar incident, if pigs were killed and thrown outside mosque, there would have been riots. This is a provocative act done with full understanding. Is there rule of law in this State? The Government has police force, highway police force, tehsildar and zonal officers at its disposal, then what is all this machinery doing? Today, a strike has been called in places even like Jalgaon. The problem will not be solved just by the Government passing a statement. The matter should be seriously discussed followed with stringent action by the Government.

The law imposing a ban on cow-slaughter is still pending and should be passed immediately. The members of Shiv Sena and BJP came to the free area and started raising slogans that ‘Cow is our mother; there is a relation of country and Dharma with the cow, hang the killers of cows’, apply MOACCA to Malegaon killers; ‘Cow killers are Hindu killers’ etc. The ongoing of LA session was adjourned twice for 25 minutes. As the session resumed, Home Minister Patil said, “8 cows belonging to 3 persons were killed on 20th July at 11.00 a.m. Offence has been registered under Sections 429, 34 and 29 against the killers. Everybody feels strongly about the incident; therefore, memoranda have been filed at 12 places and locals observed ‘Bandh’. The post martem report is not yet received. Two groups of police are trying to investigate the matter and the culprits will be nabbed soon.” (It is now more than 48 hours since the incident took; but the culprits have not been nabbed. This is the competency of police force in the secular (unrighteous) Congress Government ! – Editor SP)  

Home Minister’s reply is curt ! - MLA Mr. Khadse

Slaughtered bodies of Cows recovered by devout Hindus
Slaughtered bodies of Cows recovered by devout Hindus

Taking objection to this reply, Mr. Khadse said, “Home Minister’s reply is curt. The cows were killed, their udders were removed and cut and thrown. (Are those involved in such demonic act are fit to live in the country of cultured Hindus? – Editor SP) There is a curfew in Malegaon. Police have been caning the people. The feelings of Hindus are quite intense. Police have not yet found the offenders. This will not be tolerated. The cows were actually killed two days earlier as their bodies were swollen; but their bodies were thrown deliberately on the auspicious day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi'. This is a conspiracy. Feelings of Hindus have been hurt. Agitations have been started in many villages and the Government should nab the culprits by evening and clarify its stance. Isn’t there a ban on transporting of animals? The offenders have purposely not been arrested. The Government must give a proper reply.”   

Is the Government waiting for the issue to take a serious turn? – MLA Mr. Bhuse

Shiv Sena MLA, Mr. Bhuse said, “The incident had taken place day before yesterday in the night and the milkmen had informed the police about it over phone; but nobody went there to check for 2-3 hours. Is the Government waiting for the matter to take serious turn? A police chowki is very close to Chondi check post still the police did not come to know. Tehsildar and police inspector are also responsible for hurting feelings of Hindus and should be condemned for their inaction.” 

Mr. Khadse informed that a woman office bearer of BJP died after seeing the cows at Malegaon when Shashikant Shinde, NCP MLA was laughing. (Hindus must realize that both the Congresses are not bothered about feelings of Hindus. How long are you going to elect such rulers? – Editor SP)

Mr. Khadse was even more angered to see Shinde laughing and he said, “This is a deliberate denigration. The Government is ruling in the name of non-violence and Gandhi, is the rule of Hindus or Mughals? They do not protest against the incident and on top of that, they are laughing, making fun. This shows that the Government is still not serious about the issue. This is a question of identity of Hindus. You may bow at their feet for votes but not we. This issue is more important than any other issue. We will not let the session go on till the culprits are nabbed.” After this, the members of BJP, Shiv Sena, MNS and PWP became even more aggressive and they started raising slogans against the Government. This created interruption in the proceedings of the House for the 4th time adjourning the session for a total period of 1-1/2 hours and finally, the session was adjourned for the day.  

Thereafter, the opposition party members squatted on the steps of LA House raising slogans like ‘The front Government should be circumcised’, ‘Hang the killers of cows’ etc. 

Copy of Home Minster’s statement unavailable !

A representative of ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat (DSP)’ twice went to the office of Home Minister but the staff was trying to avoid giving a copy of Home Minister’s statement to the DSP representative. (Offices of Ministries that behave in this manner with the journalists; then how must they be behaving with ordinaty citizens? – Editor SP) The DSP representative was told that unless the boss did not instruct, they could not give the copy.” It was observed that a copy of Home Minister’s starement was not made available even to the office of the Opposition leaders.

Mr. Diwakar Raote, the group leader of Shiv Sena and Mr. Pandurang Fudkar, the leader of the Opposition party presented adjournment proposal. The Speaker Shivajirao Deshmukh said that discussions would be held later. Mr. Raote, therefore, said, “ This is an effort to start riots by outbursting feelings of Hindus. These incidents are very serious and it is necessary to condemn such cruel killings.

Slaughtered bodies of Cows recovered by devout Hindus - 2
Slaughtered bodies of Cows recovered by devout Hindus - 2

Bajarang Dal attacks District Collector’s office at Nashik

Nashik (Maharashtra): The enraged Hindus after seeing the parts of bodies of cows thrown on the road, got down on Mumbai-Agra Highway and created blockades to stop the traffic. The members of Bajarang Dal, later, attacked the District Collector’s office and broke the windows. (It has been the experience of Hindus that the secular [unrighteous] Congress does not know any other language and therefore, they have to follow this path. Now, it is certain that police will promptly take the Bajarang Dal members into custody instead of the Muslims responsible for hurting religious sentiments of Hindus ! – Editor SP)   

Pro-Hindus submit memorandum to additional District Collector

Malegaon (Maharashtra): Hindus observed ‘Bandh’ spontaneously at Malegaon, Yeola, Lasalgaon, Nandgaon, Satana, Chandwad, Sinner etc. There were stray incidents of stone-pelting reported in Malegaon. A rally was taken out at 11.00 a.m. from Mosam Bridge to the office of Dy. District Collector and a memorandum was submiited to the Upper District Collector, Mr. Yashawant Sonawane. Many leaders of pro-Hindu parties including Mr. Harishchandra Chavan, BJP MP, Mr. Pratapdada Sonawane, MP, Mr. Sanjay Dusane of Shiv Sena, Leelatai Dighavkar of BJP etc. participated in the rally.    

Anti-Hindu Ministers !

Shiv Sena MLA Mr. Bhuse was very seriously presenting points on the issue of killing of cows when Home Minister Patil and Minister of Parliamentary proceedings, Harshawardhan Patil were looking at each other and smiling. (This is a sign of demonic tendencies due to which one feels like smiling while listening to matter on cows killings. Hindus must not forget such anti-Hindu ministers ! – Editor SP)   

Hindus must, in a lawful manner, take the media to task for being partial whenever matters related to Hindus are concerned   

The spokesperson of Sanatan requested the mass media to publish the news about killings of cows but the media showed no interest

Panvel (Maharashtra): More than 25 cows were killed in Malegaon. The local Hindus became infuriated; but only few daily newspapers like ‘Sanatan Prabhat’, ‘Tarun Bharat’, ‘Saamna’, ‘Aplaa Vartaahar’ and ‘Sudarshan’ News channel published the matter very boldly. Some newspapers gave a very brief news about it whereas most of the news channels hungry of getting ‘breaking news’ preferred to ignore the matter.  

Mr. Abhay Vartak, the spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha called up different offices of news channels and requested them to give priority to this news. He told them to help police to nab the culprits killing cows and force the Government to take action against the offenders. He said that if the news was not published by them, it would amount to the media being biased against Hindus. He insisted that the incident disrespecting feelings of Hindus on an auspicious day like Ashadhi Ekadashi should be published.

Replies by representatives of various channels are given below –
1. Bhoite, Editor ‘TV 9’ : We purposely did not publish the news because it would have hurt feelings of Hindus. (He angrily said this and switched off his cell phone.)
2. Ashish Jadhav, ‘IBN’ Lokmat : You organize a press conference; at least come outside ‘Mantralaya’ and I will take your interview.
3. Jugalkishore, ‘Times Now’: Are you challenging us? I will talk to my seniors; let us see what happens.
4. Vighnesh Iyer, ‘Hindustan Times’ and Indrajit, ‘India News’  : I will see, let us see.

Most of the reactions by journalists were similar; but none of the above channels showed the news. But when Sanatan Sanstha was accused with false allegations, the same representatives eagerly stood outside Sanatann ashram and were giving false news; saying things whatever they liked. 

Some of the so-called successful newspapers gave the following type of news and avoided to give the facts !

1. Daily ‘Lokmat’ (on its page 6) : ‘Tension in Malegaon: Cows killed during their illegal transport’, attack on District Collector’s office in Nashik; this is not killing
2. Daily ‘Loksatta’ (on its page 14) : ‘Suspicious deaths of cows lead to tension in Malegaon’
3. Daily Maharashtra Times has published the news only on its website but not in the paper. 

Names of media and news channels not publishing the news of cow-killings

1. ‘Zee 24 Taas’, 2. Star Maazaa, 3. ‘E TV’ 4. IBN Lokmat 5. Sahyadri

Daily periodicals: Daily Maharashtra Times, ‘Daily Punyanagari’, Daily ‘Hamaraa Mahanagar’, Daily ‘Navbharat Times’, Daily ‘Hindustan Times’, and Daily ‘Indian Express’ 

Periodicals published from Ratnagiri which did not give the news of cows – killings

1.Sagar, 2.- Konkan Express, 3. Pudhari 4. Lokmat 
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

Malegaon: 25 cows slaughtered on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi'

Religious sentiments of Hindus slaughtered on Ashadhi Ekadashi. Hindus expect some action from powerful pro-Hindu organizations. Will they do something or keep mum as usual?

Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 2
Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 2

Malegaon (Maharashtra): The festival of ‘Ashadhi Ekadashi’ to worship the revered Deities Sree Vitthal – Rakhumai of Maharashtra is celebrated all over the State with great joy. In such atmosphere, a very despicable incident took place in the morning today in Malegaon where more than 25 cows were killed and the parts of their body were thrown all over the roads. (Killing of cows worshipped by Hindus on the day of Ashadhi Ekadashi is a deliberate effort to hurt religious sentiments of Hindus. Justice is not expected from the secular (unrighteous) Government by the Hindus. If this condition exists even in future, those who are killing cows today, would not hesitate to kill Hindus tomorrow. There is no alternative to extensive Hindu unity to change this situation ! – Editor SP)

The ramifications of this infuriating incident were felt in Malegaon and Nashik within few hours. People observed ‘bandh’ spontaneously at both the places. Roads leading to Malegaon were strewn with the legs, heads and udders of cows. In some places, four legs of cows were tied and their necks were broken and thrown away. This pre-planned destruction was done on the previous day of Ashadhi ekadashi. The apparent motive of such devastation seems to be hurting religious sentiments of Hindus. The police department is giving the number of cows killed as 7 to 8 but it is understood that more than 25 cows have been killed.

Severe repercussions in Nashik District

Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 3
Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 3
Yeola, Dindori, Manmad, Pimpalgaon, Vadali, Khedgaon, Vani and Peth villages called ‘bandh’; the tension spread upto Nashik and CIDCO area was closed. Few enraged groups burnt tyres on Mumbai-Agra highway and pelted stones on buses. Window panes of buses were broken; but the passengers are safe, informed the police. Large police force has been deployed in Malegaon and Nashik to keep situation under control and curfew has been imposed in Malegaon. All private vehicles have been banned from going to Malegaon and post martem of the dead cows will be undertaken.

Anti-Hindu police give ridiculous information

Police gave irrelevant information in this context. It was informed that cows are brought to Malegaon in trucks. Since the number of cows brought in a truck, exceeded the capacity of the truck, some cows died due to suffocation and were thrown on the road-sides.(Anti-Hindu police! If cows died due to suffocation, how their cut legs were found on the roads. Such ridiculous explanation by the police will not be accepted by even a child. Police are trying to suppress the matter by making such absurd statements and rubbing salt on the wounds of Hindus. Why should Hindus pay tax and provide for such policemen? – Editor SP) Since on the day of Ashadhi Ekadashi, people learnt about the incident, they are enraged, informed the police.

Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 4
Photo of Cows slaughetred in Malegaon on the day of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' - 4

Stop slaughtering of cows, else Hindus will be incensed – HJS

There was an atmosphere of devotion all over the State on the occasion of Ashadhi Ekadashi but few miscreants deliberately destructed religious sentiments of Hindus. This is a very contemptible incident and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) strongly condemns the same. When Hindus never bring any kind of obstacles in celebrations of festivals of the minorities, Hindus are provoked by others by not allowing them to take out processions in front of mosques, slaughtering of cows on the auspicious day like Ashadhi Ekadashi etc. The secular Government led by the Congress is insensitive towards Hindus and therefore, such incidents are taking place. If as a part of its duty, the Government does not put a stop to such incidents, it will be solely responsible for the likely outrage of Hindus. None of the private news channels has reported this disgraceful incident that has taken place involving Hindus object of worship. The private news channels, which are otherwise very prompt in reporting very minor things against Hindus and preparing false ‘breaking news’ by making mountain out of a molehill, have, however, kept mum on this incident. Hindus should boycott such news channels, which purposely, do not compile news like killings of cows, appealed Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the spokesperson of HJS for the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat.  

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pakistan or Pornistan?

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No. 1 Nation in Sexy Web Searches? Call it Pornistan

They may call it the "Land of the Pure," but Pakistan turns out to be anything but.

The Muslim country, which has banned content on at least 17 websites to block offensive and blasphemous material, is the world's leader in online searches for pornographic material, has learned.

“You won’t find strip clubs in Islamic countries. Most Islamic countries have certain dress codes,” said Gabriel Said Reynolds, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame. “It would be an irony if they haven’t shown the same vigilance to pornography.”

So here's the irony: Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.

Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for "horse sex" since 2004, "donkey sex" since 2007, "rape pictures" between 2004 and 2009, "rape sex" since 2004, "child sex" between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, "animal sex" since 2004 and "dog sex" since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.

The country also is tops -- or has been No. 1 -- in searches for "sex," "camel sex," "rape video," "child sex video" and some other searches that can't be printed here.

Read full report at

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chalo Shri Budha Baba Amarnath

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!! Yeh Dharti hai Parvati Maa, Yahi rashtra Shiv Shankar Hai!
Digmandal saapon kaa kundal, kan-kan rudra bhayankar Hai!! 
This all started in Year 2001 when Sh Tapan Ghosh, than whole-timer & North India coordinator of Bajrang Dal , made this plan to visit such places of utmost importance.
Maximum of the members of this Sangh became part of this yatra since then.

While doing this yatra it is felt that it has become an event of a particular organization despite its relevance for national security & awareness. Many plans were made to popularize this among common society but unfortunately still only activist of Bajrang Dal are aware of this.

By the blessings of CHATTANNI BABA this Sangh was formed in Year 2009, to achieve the final target of Yatra ie to put our effort in checking the migration by boosting moral of citizens who are paying the cost of living in disturbed border areas & to create awareness among people of other states for the cruciality persisting their.

Yatra Sangh seeks the help of individuals & groups, actively or passively in achieving the set goals.
After streamlining yatra of Baba Budha Amaranth, Yatra Sangh has ambitious plans to quest for

other cultural & religious places on all borders of India and to organize Yatras for those places in order to educate people for the lively experiences of the criticality going on over there.

We readily welcome any suggestion or comment regarding this place & plan.

After streamlining yatra of Baba Budha Amaranth, Yatra Sangh has ambitious plans to quest for other cultural & religious places on all borders of India and to organize Yatras for those places in order to educate people for the lively experiences of the criticality going on over there.

We readily welcome any suggestion or comment regarding this place & plan.

Information for other such places of same critical magnitude will also be entertained with full heart.

This is a site of group of mentally young & educated people who dare to think something beyond their personal family, people who have courage to think and act for coming generations.

It is a first stride to prove & transform our organism instinct to human instinct.
Anyone with same thought -line is cordially invited.

Social Importance : 

    This Budha Baba Amaranth is quite sacred for the people of area. They offer their first harvest to Baba every year. It is said that during the rein of Dogras some notorious people tried to harm the temple and a big disease spread out in the valley, people who were not affected offered their worships to the temple and got relief for the whole area. In 1965 during war between India and Pakistan, their army tried to capture and demolish the temple but failed and and by the grace of Baba amaranth , victory came to Indian side.
    Shree Buda Budha amaranth has a shivling of white sfatik stone which shines like snow. It is 200 feet above river pulasti. There is no other stone of this color in the area. Although the darshan has its importance in the month of Shravan. But it can be done round the year.

Religious Importance : 

    There are many stories said for Baba Budha Amarnath, one of them is that great seer Pulatsya goes to Amarnath shrine of Kashmir every year. When he grew older and was unable to go there, Lord Shiva himself appeared at his place ie Rajpura Mandi on the banks of Pulatsi river to give blessings to him.
     Later on , one of the queen of Loren Valley Chandrika, who was a great devout of Lord Shiva, on interruption of her yearly pilgrimage to Amarnath valley sat here in rajpura mandi and offered tapasya to get some way out . It is said that an old man with a stick in his hand came and gave the information that 2.5 miles down from loren on the banks of pulsti river. The queen along with her body-guards followed the old man and reached the place. On reaching their suddenly the old man disappeared and was not found even after thorough search. All the people in the convoy became confident that he was no one but Lord Shiva himself. On searching more, a milky white Shivling came to sight and from then it is known Baba Budha Amaranth.

Geographical location : 

    It is 260 km distant from jammu city towards north west direction in Rajpura village of mandi tehsil and Punch district. All the area is in heart throbbing valley at about 45 hundred feet above the sea level. A clear view of snow fell on peer - panjal mountains can be seen from here. Routes that connect it from major cities are from jammu to punnch via sunderbani, naushera, rajouri and surankot. This whole route is filled with extreme geographical condition and dense forests. These are suspected to be terrorist hide outs. This area goes parallel to LOC so the devil eye always stares this route.

Aims and object of the society
The society shall function on No profit No loss basis to achieve the following aims and objects in India:
  •  To conduct religious & cultural tours to border area religious places in national interest .
  • To promote General awareness in National interest among NCR for the rural/tribal families of various states.
  • To undertake research, review, assessment and development of Religious structure in various part of country
  •  To adopt some particular problem of the toured area and to promote awareness for same among common citizens in national interest.
  • To undertake research and development activities of old religious technologies
  • To assist public for the religious culture and science.
  • To assist Govt./Non-Govt. organizations to arrange medical camp in NCR .
  • To promote religious cultural/educational activities in NCR.
  • To propound way of life, improvement of physical health, social & personnel behaviors of public through Yoga and to promote National interest among General public of NCR.
  • To Promote Prosecution of research, prorogation of knowledge and experimental measures in connection with the study of diseases, their prevention, causation and remedy through Herbs, Siddha, Yoga and Naturopathy particularly in NCR.
  • To undertake research work on creation of employment opportunities in herbal plantation, cultivation, marketing, processing, for NCR population leaving under poverty line.
  • To undertake Education / Training / cultural and health programs through various centers in NCR.
  • To promote, propagate, develop general interest of people in Herbal plantation, Yoga & Naturopathy in NCR.
  • To undertake tree plantation, social forestry, animal husbandry, development of irrigation resources, conservation of water and soil and improvement in herbal productivity
  • To erect, maintain, administer and endow a privet General Hospital and to provide related services and facilities.
  •   To initiate or to become a part of the projects going on for studying the ancient Indian root culture .
      To enter into any religious and contractual arrangements with any other entity for the purpose of carrying out   the objects of the society