Tuesday, December 29, 2009

When did Lord Rama born ?

Buzz It

As per Ramayana, Sri Rama lived in Treta yuga. Working backwards, Treta Yuga is of 12,96,000 years. Hence falls between 21,63,000 BC and 8,67,000 BC. According to NASA, the age of Rama Sethu is 1,750,000 years old and falls in Treta Yuga.

I would like to bring to your notice that almost all software packages limit the year to four digits, as there is no necessity for the year to exceed four digits. When the allotted space is 4 digits, the computer processor would truncate the bigger figure to 4 digits eliminating the digits from left side. For example, if the date is 17,55,114 BC, it will cut off the first 3 digits 175 and will display only 5114 BC. (This is in some ways similar to the Y2K problem in 1999AD, which required changing digits from 2 to 4 for year.) This may be verified with the USA software company Fogware Publishing about “Planetarium Gold.”

I have faced such a problem in 1990 when we were processing the civilian officers pay bills. The pay of a particular officer was Rs.11,320. As the number exceeded 9999, the computer eliminated the 1 on the left and printed his pay as Rs. 1,320. We made the correction by manually adding 1 on the left side.

The Gregorian calendar (Christian Calendar) that we are using presently went through a lot of changes (from Lunar to Solar) and corrections and only in 1582 AD, Pope Gregory XII finalized the present calendar after missing and shifting two months. The Calendar was named after him. The loss of two months can be clearly seen from the names of the months, as September (Septa =7) is 9th month, October (Octa = 8) is10th month, November (Nov = 9) is 11th month, December (Deca =10) is 12th month in the present calendar.

Most of the astrology software packages follow Zodiac signs for months, prior to 1581AD Gregorian calendar. For Aries (Mar 22 to April 20) as Month 1, Taurus (April 21 to May 21)as 2, Gemini (May 22 to June 21) as 3, Cancer (June 22 to July 23) as 4, Leo (July 24 to Aug 23) as 5, Virgo (Aug 24 to Sept 23) as 6, Libra (Sept 24 to Oct 23) as 7, Scorpio (Oct 24 to Nov 22) as 8, Sagittarius (Nov 23 to Dec 22) as 9, Capricorn (Dec 23 to Jan 20) as 10, Aquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19) as 11, Pisces (Feb 20 to Mar 21) as Month 12.

It is mentioned that the date of birth of Sri Rama as 10th January. It was mentioned that the Sun is in Aries (March 22 to April 20). If this is taken into consideration the date will be 1st April 17, 55,114 BC.

Sri Rama Navami comes in the month of Chaitra of Lunar calendar, which normally falls in March or April of present Christian calendar. The date of Sri Ram Navami in the last few years is as follows. 9th April in 1995, 28th March in 1996,16th April in1997, 16th April in1997, 5th April in 1998, 25th March in1999, 12th April in 2000, 2nd April in 2001, 21st April in 2002, 11th April in 2003, 30th March in 2004, 18th April in 2005, 7th April in 2006, 27th March in 2007. 14th April in 2008 (starting of Solar Calendar and Tamil New year), 3rd April in 2009. It can be observed that Sri Rama Navami was between 25th March and 21st April for the last 15 years. Hence January may not be correct.

Based on this, the modified dates are as follows.
Sri Rama Birth Date = 1 April 17,55,114BC,
Vanavasam starting = 27 March 17,55,089BC,
War with Khar Dushan = 30 Oct 17,55,077BC,
Hanuman return from Lanka = 6 Dec 17,55,076BC,
Ravanas death = 23 Feb 17,55,075BC,
Sri Rama return to Ayodhya = 24 March 17,55,075BC.

I request that, if you hold the software, try reverse feeding by giving the date in your book, it should give the correct planetary position. Please try by feeding the date 17,55,114 BC and check the planetary position. This may be possible for you to verify if your software permits you to enter a 7 digit figure for year. I feel that 5114 and 17 in the left hand side may be correct and I doubt the figure 5 in between. You may try 1 to 9 and check the results.



  1. Sir / Madam

    Birth date of Rama is mentioned as 5114 BC, but as per Ramayana, Sri Rama lived in Treta yuga. Working backwards, Treta Yuga is of 12,96,000 years. Hence falls between 21,63,000 BC and 8,67,000 BC. According to NASA, the age of Rama Sethu is 1,750,000 years old and falls in Treta Yuga.

    I would like to bring to your notice that almost all software packages limit the year to four digits, as there is no necessity for the year to exceed four digits. When the allotted space is 4 digits, the computer processor would truncate the bigger figure to 4 digits eliminating the digits from left side. For example, if the date is 17,55,114 BC, it will cut off the first 3 digits 175 and will display only 5114 BC. (This is in some ways similar to the Y2K problem in 1999AD, which required changing digits from 2 to 4 for year.) This may be verified with the USA software company Fogware Publishing about “Planetarium Gold.”

    I have faced such a problem in 1990 when we were processing the civilian officers pay bills. The pay of a particular officer was Rs.11,320. As the number exceeded 9999, the computer eliminated the 1 on the left and printed his pay as Rs. 1,320. We made the correction by manually adding 1 on the left side.

    The Gregorian calendar (Christian Calendar) that we are using presently went through a lot of changes (from Lunar to Solar) and corrections and only in 1582 AD, Pope Gregory XII finalized the present calendar after missing and shifting two months. The Calendar was named after him. The loss of two months can be clearly seen from the names of the months, as September (Septa =7) is 9th month, October (Octa = 8) is10th month, November (Nov = 9) is 11th month, December (Deca =10) is 12th month in the present calendar.

    Most of the astrology software packages follow Zodiac signs for months, prior to 1581AD Gregorian calendar. For Aries (Mar 22 to April 20) as Month 1, Taurus (April 21 to May 21)as 2, Gemini (May 22 to June 21) as 3, Cancer (June 22 to July 23) as 4, Leo (July 24 to Aug 23) as 5, Virgo (Aug 24 to Sept 23) as 6, Libra (Sept 24 to Oct 23) as 7, Scorpio (Oct 24 to Nov 22) as 8, Sagittarius (Nov 23 to Dec 22) as 9, Capricorn (Dec 23 to Jan 20) as 10, Aquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19) as 11, Pisces (Feb 20 to Mar 21) as Month 12.

    It is mentioned that the date of birth of Sri Rama as 10th January. It was mentioned that the Sun is in Aries (March 22 to April 20). If this is taken into consideration the date will be 1st April 17, 55,114 BC.

    Sri Rama Navami comes in the month of Chaitra of Lunar calendar, which normally falls in March or April of present Christian calendar. The date of Sri Ram Navami in the last few years is as follows. 9th April in 1995, 28th March in 1996,16th April in1997, 16th April in1997, 5th April in 1998, 25th March in1999, 12th April in 2000, 2nd April in 2001, 21st April in 2002, 11th April in 2003, 30th March in 2004, 18th April in 2005, 7th April in 2006, 27th March in 2007. 14th April in 2008 (starting of Solar Calendar and Tamil New year), 3rd April in 2009. It can be observed that Sri Rama Navami was between 25th March and 21st April for the last 15 years. Hence January may not be correct.

    Based on this, the modified dates are as follows.
    Sri Rama Birth Date = 1 April 17,55,114BC,
    Vanavasam starting = 27 March 17,55,089BC,
    War with Khar Dushan = 30 Oct 17,55,077BC,
    Hanuman return from Lanka = 6 Dec 17,55,076BC,
    Ravanas death = 23 Feb 17,55,075BC,
    Sri Rama return to Ayodhya = 24 March 17,55,075BC.

    I request that, if you hold the software, try reverse feeding by giving the date in your book, it should give the correct planetary position. Please try by feeding the date 17,55,114 BC and check the planetary position. This may be possible for you to verify if your software permits you to enter a 7 digit figure for year. I feel that 5114 and 17 in the left hand side may be correct and I doubt the figure 5 in between. You may try 1 to 9 and check the results.

    Email: bandaruva@gmail.com

  2. The constellations are not steady and they have no such relation to maintain the same visible shape. The stars in Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc will be meaningless for the shape. Such name could not exists beyond few tens of thousands years back and years to come. What is more authentic could be the geographic dates and carbon dates.
